Ica, Perú


Ica, Perú, has a population of around 283,000. The city was founded in 1563 by the Spanish conquistador Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera. He gave the new town the name Villa de Valverde. On August 15, 2007, a 8.0 earthquake occurred off the coast of Peru, severely damaging buildings, houses and infrastructure in Ica, including the beautiful 16th century cathedral. Seventeen people died and 70 more were killed when a church collapsed. Pisco, which I visited previously, was even more severely damaged and many people were buried under buildings that had collapsed. Some 80% of the city's buildings were destroyed.

This was my third visit to Ica. I stayed only 2 nights and since I already wrote a full blog this one is very short. In my first blog I wrote that I liked this town, and I still do. To read the blog do a search here for "Ica, Perú" or leave off the last accented u to get the best results. It was posted on March 5, 2023. My second visit was in July 2023 but was only two nights and I didn't write anything at that time.